Gemma Crowe is a new media and movement artist working with the mediated human image: records of our bodily existence. Living and working in Vancouver, British Columbia, Crowe creates community and connectivity through embodiment and discursive practices such as collaborative choreography, improvisation, live video feedback, community discussions, sound installation and documentary and dance filmmaking.
Crowe works by the belief that art is an ideal vehicle to explore ways of knowing beyond cognition by encouraging connection and a felt-sense through aesthetic affect. Using her own body as subject, Crowe reframes recorded experiences through editing and durational media for new perspective and facilitates embodiment for pleasure and self-reflexivity, in pursuit of healing and deeper connections with one another. As a current MFA candidate, her research at Emily Carr University of Art + Design examines how to apprehend features of the world by listening and generating a felt sense of our physical bodies in space.