Exhibition: Pressed Together (Patio Press x Emily Carr) | OCT 10 – 28
Pressed Together, an exhibition featuring 19 Emily Carr artists will open to public October 10, 2022.
Co-curated by Sara-Jeanne Bourget and Mark Johnsen (Patio Press), this exhibition is the culmination of the inaugural Research Residency with Patio Press, which saw Sara-Jeanne Bourget and Mark Johnsen co-teach the Patio Press x Emily Carr (PRNT 305) course and engage ECU students as fellows in a hybrid printmaking residency that fostered connections through printing and sharing of small editions. This exhibition, class and the overall research residency is supported by the Audain Faculty of Art and the Shumka Centre.
Pressed Together
October 10 – 20 – extended to October 28, 2022!
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Michael O’Brian Exhibition Commons Gallery, 2nd Floor
Exhibition Related Events – Free and Open to All
Reception – October 18, 2022
5:00 – 7:00 PM
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Michael O’Brian Exhibition Commons Gallery, 2nd Floor
About Pressed Together
“In the spring of 2022, 19 artists worked collaboratively to create a substantial body of work rooted in traditional and experimental printmaking processes. Over 12 weeks, the artists produced multiple editions and unique prints, emphasizing peer-to-peer engagement, and highlighting the power of collaboration.
The special topics course PRNT 305 Patio Press x Emily Carr adopted the model of Patio Press: a hybrid printmaking residency that fosters connections through the printing and sharing of small editions while assisting individuals interested in print. This sentiment carried over into the course addressing themes of togetherness, skill sharing, connection, and experimentation.
The title of this exhibition, Pressed Together, is representative of the short period in which the artists had to produce the work and a reference to the close working relationships formed during the making process. Working in various team situations assisted the artists in constructing and deconstructing large-scale works, and experimenting with the limits and potential of printed matter. All of the work in this exhibition materializes from generously sharing skills, labour, and knowledge and actualizes an achievement made only possible by collaboration.
This exhibition is made possible with generous support from The Audain Faculty of Art at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, The print media technicians: Vanessa Hall-Patch and Shinsuke Minegishi, and The Shumka Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship.
We would also like to thank Gwenessa Lam, Daylen Luchsinger, Jillian Ross, student artists from the North Vancouver School District, and the Museum of North Vancouver archives collection for their contributions and participation in this project.”
– Sara-Jeanne Bourget & Mark Johnsen
Exhibiting Emily Carr Artists
Richard Brittain
Ava Buckley
Jordan Corder-Swanson
Novalynn Diguistini
Ice Fredericks
Olivia Hanif
Allison Kiernan
Jeeyoung Kong
Kai Liu
Naia Mann
Megan Mcclennon
Thomas Morris
Alyssa Thompson
Rui Ti
Nikki Treber
Damarra Vogt
Yuan Wen
January Wolodarsky
Cory Yeung
Co-curated by Sara-Jeanne Bourget and Mark Johnsen
Funding for this Research Residency and exhibition was provided by the Co-op and Work Integrated Learning Initiative of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.