Call for Proposals: Satellite x
False Creek
Satellite x False Creek is a two month residency for Emily Carr project teams to develop major self-directed social innovation projects. Residents have access to studio space, mentorship, peer support and funding toward the goal of developing projects within a real-world context, including products or services; initiating events, programs, initiatives or festivals; or starting studios, collectives, agencies or non-profits. In 2022, Satellite will focus on place-based work in the False Creek Flats*, and will run from May 1 – June 30, 2022.
Participants will receive access to work space, mentorship and peer support, structured feedback and guidance, and funding to support project costs. Participants are expected to devote approximately 20+ hours/week to project development in May and June, with 3 hours per week devoted to process documentation and peer/mentor meetings. Teams will also have the opportunity to present and disseminate projects through the our network.
View the full call on Leeway
Deadline to apply: April 1, 2022
Projects best suited for the program
- Respond to contextual conditions of place, including social dynamics; ecological systems; or economic, cultural or material conditions
- Build or strengthen relationships with False Creek Flats community
- Invest in community vitality, culture or knowledge-sharing in the area
- Support participants’ agency, practicality, navigation of a way forward
- Help establish conditions for participants to financially support themselves through project lens, give financial sustainability to the project itself
- Negotiate “how” alongside “what” and “why”
See past examples of work from Satellite x DESIS (2020) and Satellite x Activism (2021)
Applications are welcomed from small teams made up of 2-3 people or individuals, including students graduating in May 2022; and returning undergraduate and graduate students. Participants must be actively engaged in developing applied projects or collaborations (as opposed to doing contract work) and must be able to commit adequate time and attention to fully benefit from this opportunity.
Please note that access to this program is competitive and limited to 5 projects in this cohort. Applications will be evaluated for depth of proposal, feasibility, fit with spatial and programmatic requirements, and personal commitment to the proposed project.
*The False Creek Flats are loosely bordered by Great Northern Way, Clark Drive, Prior Street and Main Street. Projects need not to adhere strictly to this area, but should have some relationship to this area.