Gallery 881 x Emily Carr

Gallery 881 x Emily Carr Gallery 881 x Emily Carr is a new partnership between Gallery 881 and the Audain Faculty of Art facilitated by the Shumka Centre to showcase and elevate lens-based works of ECU’s Bachelor of Arts and Master of Fine Arts students.  This...

Pathways for Creative Futures

Pathways for Creative Futures The Pathways for Creative Futures reimagines work-integrated learning (WIL) for the creative industry by bridging students into creative careers and linking industries with fresh talent eager to tackle innovation and collaborative...

Shumka x AIRS

Shumka x AIRS Shumka x AIRS (Artist in Residence Studio Program) is a partnership geared to support emerging Emily Carr artist-educators through an innovative residency model. Developed to recognize the ongoing relationship between Emily Carr and AIRS since 2019, this...

Shumka x Griffin

Shumka x Griffin Shumka x Griffin is a new partnership that recognizes the achievements of Master of Fine Arts students at ECU and supports their professional development through three residency awards. This two year-long partnership creates a platform for new...

Design for Startups

Design for Startups Design for Startups pairs emerging designers with early to mid stage startups to work on a specific design problem. The program helps companies that would like to create, analyze or improve their digital products, services, or platforms. Students...